Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So, this was a 'sweet' and very touching message from one of the very first crazy people I met, now that I have entered back into the world of singles.

I joined a dating site---Yes, I said it. And now I am going to make you suffer, right along with me, until I find someone nice to date :-) :-) :-)

I did it mostly to try to find myself again, after such a cruddy marriage. I have no idea what I want anymore, out of a partner/companion.

So, I took the time to write, what I believe, was a very nice profile, describing who I am and what I am looking for.

Since then, I have run across some of the nuttiest human beings that may possibly exist. It's making me wonder if this little dating experiment is worth it.

I have to wonder if I'd be better off buying a goldfish and calling it a day.

Here is the 'YOU SUCK!' story:

First email this guy sends me:
date Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 1:56 PM

i actually just moved back to the boston area and wanted to say hi to you. and well i cant believe ive payed some innermernet site to try to talk to a girl but hells bells. and this feels so sketchy. i feel like chris hanson from datelines to catch a predator is about to walk into the room. but i love that show. ssssooooooo anyways, maybe we can talk, get to know each other, maybe get a coffee someday? and i figured since my profile is kinda short ill tell you a little more about myself in the hopes of hearing from you. anyways, bout me? hard to say. quick jist: i worked for the state from 96-07 primarily on the boston harbor islands specifically georges island as a laborer, ranger, forester, and forest and park supervisor. winters out there were like the shining with jack nicholson . i grad uated with a degree in ecology from a tiny school on an island in maine. currently im a tree climber which basically means i climb trees and prune and remove them. currently im working through the current company i work for for the usda climbing trees and looking for a beetle from asia. weird story. i also teach high school earth science. so yeah, hope we can catch each other on im or something; perhaps get a coffee sometime

Second email:
date Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 2:42 PM

well i hope youre a fan of the piccies i just postered. anyways, ur not saying anything so youre acount mustve expired.

Third email:
date Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 2:53 PM

oh well. take care.

Fourth email:
date Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 2:57 PM

guess youre not real.

Fifth email:
date Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 3:09 PM


Now, I'm not quite sure if you caught that these emails all took place within the span of about ONE HOUR.

I went to check my mail and they were all there, lined up, nice and neat.... All at once. All for me. Talk about a fruit, right? By the way--One of the photos he'd posted was of him holding a GUN, in a sweat covered, wife beater...(god, I hope it was just sweat) Who posts pictures like that???

And then he mentions Chris Hansen and 'The Shining' all in a few sentences? Really? I mean, I'm sure most other women would have found those to be relaxing and stimulating topics-NOT.

Ick---I'm going to stop for now. There are so many others to post and so little time.

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