Wednesday, April 6, 2011


From a man named Jon. Although, it could have been from John, Jonn, Jan, Greg, Jobin, Patrick, or Eric. I'm not sure he even knows how to spell his own name.

~~~~~~Hi, this is my 1st time ever doing a on line dateing thing. It was a gift from my sisteres for my brithday. I thik that they were worried about me. I was pritty much married 4 the past 6yrs with my X. My sisteres thik that i can just snap my fringers and i'll find a woman. Im very out going and well... humors to hang around with. I just realy dont like going out like i use to when i was yunger. My X and i have know eachother sence we were kids. Never had any kin of feelings like boyfre..and grilfre.. ever. She was married for 15 yrs and had 2 kids and thoght that they had the bist marrage. Till she found out that he was chetting on her. I felt so bad for her and well one thing led to a nuther, well you know what i men. The past girlfreinds that i had i met in the usual way. Like going out for a freind of a freind type of thing. Like i said i am very out going, LOL so never realy had any hang ups with finding some one. I just would like to find some one whos realy ready to start something. Oh god, im going stop right there. Anywiys how bout you. What got you in to this on line thing. You seen like you wouldnt have any trouble finding a man...Your real good looking and i licked what you had to say on your profile. So.... spill the beans, sweetie talk to me. Im also a good lisener. :o)~~~~~~~

His sisters should have paid for a translator as well. Or, at least, offered to proof-read his emails.

At least he knows how to snap his 'fringers' and he also 'licked' what I had to say in my profile. Maybe I should go to coffee with him. One thing might lead to a 'nuther'...You know what I 'men?' I love a man who is a good 'lisener' and knows how to 'thik.'

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